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The Advancements of AI in Subtitling and Closed Captioning

Closed captioning the on-screen text that describes the audio content of a video, movie or TV show and subtitling the translation of the spoken dialogue into a different language have become increasingly important in the world of media and entertainment.

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Machine Translation – Future Reality or a dream well sold

Recently I attended the Localization World, Bangkok and found that the theme of the whole event revolved around Machine Translation and how it

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How Multilingual, AI-Powered Chatbots Can Take Customer Support to a New Level

If your website is your online storefront, it’s a no-brainer that you must greet and attend to your customers as they enter your shop. That’s w

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How Machine Translation Revolutionizes eLearning Translation

In today's globalized world, eLearning has become an essential aspect of education and training. With learners from diverse backgrounds...